LinkedIn Portfolio Website



This Google spreadsheet add-on enhances a document to serve as the back-end of a website, based on data of a LinkedIn export. The resulting website is hosted with Netlify and customisable to a certain extent with the help of the worksheet data.


An example setup can be found here


  1. Install add-on in Google spreadsheet
  2. Open the "LinkedIn Portfolio" menu entry
  3. Click "Setup"
  4. Go to LinkedIn export page
  5. Export "the works"
  6. Create "SECTIONS" worksheet (This overwrites all data in the existing "SECTIONS" worksheet)
  7. Import files (this overwrites all data in the import worksheets)
  8. Publish spreadsheet to the web
  9. Add the spreadsheet id during Netlify deploy
  10. Adjust "SECTIONS" settings or data worksheets


You can add webhook urls to your document that are triggered when something is changed in the spreadsheet. These can for example be used to trigger a rebuild of the website, using Netlify build hooks.

  1. Open the "LinkedIn Portfolio" menu entry
  2. Click "Webhooks"
  3. Add webhook details

Google Analytics

If you want to use google analytics, you can add the "GOOGLE_ANALYTICS" environment variable (containing your UA-XXXXX tracking code) to Netlify. When this environment variable is set, google analytics will be installed (on the next build), a privacy-policy sub-page created and various events send during use of the page.

Questions and/or suggestions

Your questions and/or suggestions are always welcome - either file an issue or shoot me a mail.


LinkedIn Portfolio
by Johann Röhl

Frontend Repository
Sheets (Backend) Repository

© 2013 - 2019 johannroehl